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Deaf Children's Society through JustGiving
What is the Local Offer?
The Local Offer is published information about what services and support children who are Deaf/have hearing loss and their families can access in Swindon and surrounding areas.
The Local Offer webpage gives information about the Hearing Support Team and multi-agency links, for example Audiology, Speech and Language Therapy and BSL tutors.
These are the groups of children that can access the Advisory Teachers of the Deaf service:
How is a referral made?
Schools, Early Years settings, Professionals and Families in Swindon can contact the Hearing Support Team directly to talk about a referral; if appropriate they will then send you a referral form. All referrals must be accompanied by signed permission from a family member with parental responsibility.
To access the Local Offer please click here
C/O The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive
Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 5DA
Tel: 01793 544021
Contact details for the indivdual Advisory Teachers of the Deaf can be found here.
Information about what they offer can be found here.
Latest HST Newsletter
The purpose of the group is to play a leading role in the development of all areas of support for deaf and hearing impaired children and young people aged from 0-19 years in Swindon and North Wiltshire. The group aims to:
It is an important opportunity for all professionals involved in our families to get together and share their experiences. However, without the opinions of parents, carer's, children and young people they do not know what those using their services feel is going well or where you need or wish to see improvements. There are also opportunities for issues to be added to the agenda, ensuring the professionals discuss what we, as the users of their services, view as important.
From time to time questions to provide feedback to CHSWG may be asked on either this website or the Facebook group. Please do use these opportunities to let the professionals know what you and your children think. We all have a different perspective, not least based on our children's level of hearing loss, communication method and educational setting. Parent representation on CHSWG includes a linked committee member of your local DCS group but new parent/family representatives are always welcome and interpreting services or assistance with childcare can be provided in order for you to attend meetings.
We put parents at the centre of developing family friendly services by supporting the Great Western Area CHSWG (Children and young people's Hearing Services Working Group) pronounced chizzy-wig.
The CHSWG is made up of parents and carers of deaf and hearing impaired children, professionals who work alongside our families from health, education and social services and representatives of the voluntary sector e.g. audiologists, speech therapists, Teachers of the Deaf, NDCS officers and more. The group meets 3 times a year (usually at the Salt Way Centre, West Swindon).
CHSWG meetings are currently being held virtually through Microsoft Teams. Parents and carers of deaf children are very welcome to attend. Meeting dates and minutes are below:
For more information or if you would like to attend the next CHSWG meeting, contact Leanne Cox by email: