
We hold regular events for all ages and always welcome your ideas and suggestions of what you would like to see. For our upcoming events, visit the EVENTS page. 

The Individual Grant is a new initiative of the charity for 2021 to support two of  the charities objectives:

  • To advance the education of children and young people with a hearing impairment.
  • To promote deaf awareness and support the needs of deaf children. 

Who is eligible to apply for this grant?

  • Current family & child/young people members who are signed up to Swindon & North Wiltshire Deaf Children’s Society may apply
  • Professional, Volunteer members and non-members are not eligible

What type requests will the charity consider?

  • assistance with the purchase of specialist hearing equipment which will benefit an individual member
  • the provision of funding for specialist courses that will support the advancement of the child’s education
  • support for professional assessments 

How do I apply?

  • Download the application form
  • Read the guidance notes carefully first that are in the download.
  • Complete the application form and gather the supporting information and send to the address shown on the form. 
  • A letter supporting the application is requested. 
  • If an applicant is under 18 the application form must be completed in full by the parent or guardian, with a supporting letter or other official papers. 
  • Requests for grants towards equipment or services must be supported by a written quote(s) from the supplier or provider. 
  • All grants for equipment and services will be paid direct to the supplier or organisation, whenever this is possible. This is in almost all cases. Receipts of completed purchases must be sent to the Treasurer of the charity.
  • Please note that the submission of an application does not guarantee that a grant will be made or that an accepted application will receive the full funding requested - The committee encourages additional information in support of the application.  

If you require support to access this form and complete the details, please contact us at and we can arrange support for you.

mission & vision

Our vision is of a world without barriers for every deaf child. We provide information and support for families with deaf children through our free membership scheme.


Our group has supported many families since it's creation in 1993 . Some of the children join us in adulthood to volunteer - We welcome all our supporters.

individual member grants

funding applications

We have two types of funding application open to our membership as shown below.

Approval for funding is given by the DCS committee and all applications, that meet crtieria, will be fully considered and are subject to committee vote.

All funding approaches we receive that do not fall into one of the criteria below may be considered. However, these are required to be presented to the committee in person with a detailed business case and benefit vs cost analysis. All approaches must benefit deaf children in Swindon & North Wiltshire areas and align with the objectives of the charity to be eligible for consideration by the charity committee.

Donate with JustGiving

Make a donation to Swindon and North Wilts

Deaf Children's Society through JustGiving

we continuE with our support to all members with our funding application:

The Funding Scheme has been available to support deaf children in the Swindon & North Wiltshire area for many years and we continue this in 2021. It is available to support the aims of the DCS and further promote opportunities for deaf children and young people to socialise and have fun together to improve the children’s confidence and encourage friendships.

Individuals & organisations can apply for up to £500 to be able to benefit deaf children, young people and their families.

In order to be eligible the applicant must;

  • Be a current member of the Swindon & North Wiltshire Deaf Children’s Society
  • Provide feedback and photographs, if relevant, of the event or funding use and how it benefited the receiver/s – This may be used to promote the DCS in our marketing materials
  • Have adequate insurance cover for any equipment/activity/event due to take place as a result of the funding
  • Meet the NDCS Child Protection Policy for local groups for any activity or event that takes place as a result of the funding (This policy is available by request)
  • Provide the appropriate staffing levels and child protection certifications for any activity/event due to take place as a result of the funding​ 

DCS funding cannot be:

  • Given retrospectively; for money that has already been spent.
  • Submitted less than four weeks in advance of your event/activity
  • Used for staff/volunteer salaries
  • Used to fund activities that duplicate those already delivered by the DCS
  • Used for capital projects (e.g. repairs to a building, mobile phones etc.)

How to Apply?

  • The application form must be completed in full with a breakdown of funding and returned to with the subject line: FUNDING APPLICATION.
  • Supporting quotes are requested with your application.